
Day of Belarusian Written Language


Day of Belarusian Written Language is an annual holiday that is celebrated on the first Sunday of September.
Following the tradition, Day of Belarusian Written Language is celebrated in the cities which are considered cultural, scientific and literature centers of the country.
Day of Belarusian Written Language was first celebrated in the ancient city of Polotsk in 1994.
Later on, the celebrations were held in the country’s historically significant cultural centers such as Turov, Novogrudok, Nesvizh, Orsha, Pinsk, Zaslavl, Mstislavl, Mir, Kamenets, Postavy, Shklov, Borisov, Smorgon, Khoiniki, Gantsevichi, Glubokoe, Bykhov, Zaslavl, Shchuchin, Rogachev, Ivanovo, Slonim, Belynichi, Kopyl, Dobrush, Gorodok.
Ivatsevichi city in the Minsk region was designated as the capital of this holiday in 2024.
The main idea of the holiday is the careful preservation and development of the spiritual heritage of Belarus, promotion of national cultural traditions, showing their relationship with Slavic origins and with the present day, demonstration of the state's constant concern for the spiritual and moral development of society in the context of support for reading, national literature and book publishing.
Every year thousands of guests from all over Belarus and abroad gather for the holiday.
One of the key events of the Day of Belarusian Written Language is the Republican scientific and educational expedition “The Road to the Holy Places with the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulchre”. The expedition passes through the cities and villages of several regions of the country and finishes its work in the capital of the holiday.
The festival program includes an international round table with the participation of foreign writers, the final of the Republican contest of young readers “Living classics”, a scientific and practical conference dedicated to the history of the city which is the capital of the holiday, entertaining quizzes, quests, and a Festival of books and press.
In addition, at various city sites, the visitors and participants of the Day of Belarusian Written Language will see expositions of museums and libraries, masters of folk art, artists, etc.
On the opening day of the festival, the “National literary award” ceremony will be held on the main stage.


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